Drupal 7 is Officially released. After 2.5 years of community work, the much perfected Drupal 7 has been released in all its glory. Its features include a test driven code base with a built in test suite, a sparkling new object orientated database layer that supports not just MySQL and PostgreSQL but SQLite also, improved caching and theming layer, file streamers, a major overhaul of the user interface to make Drupal more intuitive for end users. [video:http://vimeo.com/18352872]

A huge thank you and congratulations to all those in the Druplicon image above, but mostly to Angie "webchick" Byron who has given 200% to Drupal 7 for the past 3 years to make it what it is today.

For those of you who don't use MySQL, do be wary - Drupal 7.0 doesn't support PostgreSQL or SQLite just yet. They will work 99% but there are a few edge cases that will be ironed out in 7.1. Keep your eyes peeled.

Again, congratulations to the Drupal community for an awesome effort - get ready to see the web about to change.